Physical Therapy focusing on Women’s health addresses the unique musculoskeletal problems of the pelvic region that can have a significant impact on a woman’s quality of life. ACE Rehab strives to provide innovative and comprehensive therapy services to women of all ages. Our professional and caring staff have specialized training to meet the unique needs of women across the lifespan and promote healthier lifestyles by providing one-to-one customized care. Our primary goal is to improve your function and quality of life.
The following are just some of the women’s pelvic conditions which are treated by ACE Rehab Physical Therapists:
- Prenatal Discomfort
- Pelvic Floor Weakness
- Chronic Myofascial Pelvic Pain Syndromes
- Post-Partum Discomfort and Re-Conditioning
- Dyspareunia or Painful Intercourse
- Pelvic Girdle Pain
- Urinary Incontinence
- Fecal Incontinence
- Bladder Concerns
- Chronic Constipation
- Defecatory Dysfunction
- Post-Gynecological Surgery
- Post-Abdominal Surgery
- Coccyx Disorders / Tailbone Pain
- Perimenopausal and Menopausal Concerns
- Endometriosis
- Osteoporosis
Pelvic Floor Rehabilitation
Pelvic Floor Dysfunction (PFD) is responsible for a large array of various symptoms in both men (link to men’s health) and women (link to women’s health) due to the dysfunction of muscles which make up the floor of your body. Some of these symptoms are not easily identified by patients as a muscle problem in their pelvic region. We have Physical Therapists specializing in PFD who provide discreet and comfortable examinations, as well as techniques and training that can help patients find relief from symptoms. ACE Rehab has highly trained Herman and Wallace certified Pelvic Health Therapists who has great success with patients who suffer from pelvic floor dysfunction.
People usually have multiple questions about PFD such as:
- What is the pelvic floor?
- A group of muscles in your pelvic area. These muscles support the organs in your pelvis like a sling. The organs in this area include: the bladder, uterus (women), prostate (men), rectum
- By contracting and relaxing these muscles, you control your bowel and bladder movements.
- What is pelvic floor dysfunction?
- Pelvic floor dysfunction occurs when the muscles of the pelvic floor are weak, tight, or there is a problem with the sacrum, low back, coccyx and/or hip joint. The tissues surrounding the pelvic organs may have increased or decreased sensitivity and/or irritation resulting in pelvic pain.
- What causes pelvic floor dysfunction?
- Traumatic injuries
- Vaginal childbirth
- Infections
- Pregnancy
- Poor posture
- Chronic low back and SI joint pain
- Systemic neuromuscular diseases
- Abdominal/Pelvic Surgery
- Prostate Complications
- What are the symptoms of pelvic floor dysfunction?
- The feeling that you need to have several bowel movements during a short period of time.
- The feeling that you cannot complete a bowel movement.
- Constipation or straining pain with bowel movements.
- A frequent need to urinate. When you do go, you may stop and start many times.
- Painful urination.
- Pain in your lower back that cannot be explained by other causes.
- Ongoing pain in your pelvic region, genitals, or rectum.
- Erectile dysfunction
- Pain for women during intercourse
- Discomfort or inability to tolerate a gynecological exam
- Can it be fixed and does the patient have to have surgery or take medication?
- The goal of PFD therapy for patients is to relax the pelvic floor muscles and avoid stressing them. Treatment usually combines self-care, physical therapy, and home exercise. A physical therapist specially trained in pelvic floor rehabilitation may take the following steps to help you obtain relief from your PFD:
- External and internal evaluation of your pelvis
- External and internal manual therapy
- Application of various devices to help relax your pelvic floor
- Training in home exercise and therapy
ACE Rehab Physical Therapists treat the following Pelvic Floor Dysfunction conditions:
- Pelvic pain
- Constant or chronic constipation
- Painful intercourse
- Incontinence
- Urinary urge or painful urination
- Feeling of incomplete bowel movement or the need for several bowel movements
- Low back pain of unknown origin
- Urine or fecal leakage
- Abdominal pain
- Pregnancy and postpartum conditions
- Coccydynia (Tailbone pain)
- Gynecological cancer (Pre and post chemo therapy)
- Pudendal Neuralgia
- Athletic injuries
- Menopausal symptoms
- Endometriosis
- Vulvodynia
- Interstitial Cystitis (painful Bladder syndrome)
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome