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Tips for Lifting Heavy Objects


Practicing techniques to lift heavy objects properly is something everyone can benefit from to reduce the risk of injury. Back injury is one of the top reasons for job-related disability. Repetitive actions like lifting and twisting, bending for long periods, and lifting heavy objects put a person at high risk for injury. Improper lifting can cause strain, tears, and severe back and joint issues.

Here is a list of tips and tricks to keep in mind the next time you’re lifting a heavy object:

  1. Make a broad base for support with one foot slightly in front of the other and feet hip-width apart before lifting a heavy object.
  2. Squat while bending low to pick up the heavy item. Bending at the knees with bottom out and core tight.
  3. Maintain good posture, eyes straight forward and chest out with shoulders back.
  4. Lifting slowly and methodically, straighten your knees ( not your back), holding the heavy item close to your body.
  5. Do not twist! Use your feet to change direction and take small steps forward.
  6. Squat your knees and legs to put the item back down while maintaining core strength.

Before you lift the object, always test its weight. Depending on the object’s weight, you may lift it by hand or need equipment to transport it over longer distances. Be aware of extreme temperatures that can affect lifting and material handling. For example, muscle flexibility decreases in cold temperatures, and hot temperatures can lead to heat stress. Low visibility or poor lighting increases the chance of trips and falls. Wear appropriate clothing for the temperature in which you will be working.

When people use careful lifting practices, they are less likely to suffer from back sprains, muscle pulls, wrist injuries, elbow injuries, spinal injuries, and other injuries caused by lifting heavy objects.

The team at ACE Rehab is here to guide you after a work injury. We will assist you in navigating insurance claims with the corporation where you were injured and offer you personalized treatment plans to get you back to your pre-injured self. For an in-depth evaluation of your injury, please call (703) 204-0533 or visit
