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Struggling to Meet the Physical Demands of Your Job?

Returning to work after an on-the-job injury can feel like a losing battle. Work is necessary, and yet your injury has made meeting the demands of your job feel physically impossible. Through personalized work hardening and work conditioning programs, Ace Rehab specializes in helping patients recover from work injuries and guiding them back to a healthy work routine.

Work hardening, and similarly, work conditioning are types of physical therapy that focus on helping patients return to work by providing specialized treatment and therapy sessions designed to restore function and meet specific work-related requirements.

After a work-related injury, patients often go through a chronic phase of rehabilitation, which is usually four weeks after the initial injury and the standard round of physical therapy. Such patients may not be ready to return to work yet due to the limitations chronic pain causes. A personalized work hardening program can help patients return to a pre-injury level of physical work at a safe pace.

Work hardening and work conditioning programs are different from physical therapy. Physical therapy treats the injured part. A work hardening program focuses on simulated work activity and work conditioning is designed to increase a worker’s overall muscle strength and functionality so that when they return to work, they can meet the physical demands of the job.

Any labor-intensive worker who has been injured may find their return to work challenging, their abilities hindered by their recent injury. Specialists at ACE Rehab are committed to seeing such workers recover and thrive when they return to work.

The team at ACE Rehab is here to guide you after a work injury. We will assist you in navigating insurance claims with the corporation where you were injured and offer you personalized treatment plans to get you back to your pre-injured self. For an in-depth evaluation of your injury, please call (703) 204-0533 or visit