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How to Get Physical Therapy Treatment Immediately After a Slip and Fall Injury

According to the National Security Council, slips and falls are responsible for over one million emergency room visits every year. Experiencing an injury from a slip and fall while on someone else's property can be a painful and overwhelming experience. Receiving an evaluation and immediate treatment is critical in preventing long lasting injuries. If you are injured, it is vital to document the injuries; waiting may affect the outcomes of your slip and fall case.

At ACE Rehab, we assist you in resolving insurance claims while you begin rehabilitation. You can schedule an immediate evaluation and payment is due only after insurance has settled any claims. Tell our medical providers at ACE Rehab exactly when, where, and how you were injured. Once the property owner's liability becomes established, ACE Rehab can help you with the process of getting a physical therapy treatment plan while filing your claims with the insurance companies. Medical records are essential pieces of evidence should you decide to seek compensation for your injuries. ACE Rehab will handle the confusing paperwork.

Seeking physical therapy treatment immediately will help restore function to your body, prevent long term damage and provide you techniques that improve your mobility and range of motion. It will significantly help in reducing your pain while preventing future disability. Do not suffer alone from a slip and fall. Reach out to our knowledgeable team today to begin the healing process.

The team at ACE Rehab is here to guide you after a slip and fall accident. We will assist you in navigating insurance claims with the corporation where you were injured and offer you personalized treatment plans to get you back to your pre-injured self. For an in-depth evaluation of your injury, please call   or visit